Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Extra credit

Thousands of fictional movie characters have entertained movie audiences for more than 100 years. From the Little Tramp to Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan, Mr. Tibbs, Spiderman, Frankenstein, Forest Gump to Hans Solo audiences have laughed and cried and been entertained for years. For extra credit tell me which fictional movie character is the most compelling, interesting and entertaining in your opinion. I only want one. Obviously, you can only choose characters based on movies you’ve seen so your options may be limited. Do this for fun and extra credit. Write a few sentences explaining the reasons for your choice.

New extra credit

"Crash," the Academy Award winner for best picture of 2004, explored racial tensions in our society, particularly those involving the police. As you know there have been a number of racially-charged incidents involving the police this summer. For extra credit, watch "Crash" and explain in a few paragraphs if the movie accurately captures the "real-life" tensions that are going on today involving the police and race or if you think the movie does not do a good job depicting this very controversial issue.

More extra credit

WEEKLY EXTRA CREDIT: Every Friday new movies are released and the theaters are full of moviegoers. Most of the time the new big-budget movie is the big moneymaker for the week. For example, Jurasic World was released on a Friday and by Monday it had made more than $200 million in domestic box office. I want you to pick the winner each Friday, the movie you think will be the biggest moneymaker. Send me an email by Friday at 6 p.m. telling me in one or two paragraphs which movie will make the most money. Estimate how much money you think the movie will make for the weekend and why you think so. Make a copy of the email and put it in your journal. You can do this each and every week if you want to. 

EXTRA CREDIT: Best CGI Award goes to: Since you belong to the CGI generation of moviegoers I want you to choose your favorite CGI movie. I'm sure you've seen plenty of them. Anything with a man in it: Iron Man, Batman, Superman, etc.... Which movie blew you away with its use of CGI and why? Cite specific scenes that were memorable. Include this extra credit in your film journal. 

Extra Credit: It seems that many of you grew up watching Pixar movies including Toy Story, Finding Nemo, A Bug's Life, The Incredibles and others. I would like you to pick your all-time favorite Pixar movie and explain why it's your favorite in a few paragraphs. Include this very short paper in your film journal. If you're not sure if it's a Pixar movie, look it up. 

Extra Credit: Watch the movie Chaplin about silent film comedian Charlie Chaplin and write a few paragraphs about what you thought of the movie.

Extra Credit: Filmmaker and comedian Chris Rock wrote an insightful essay for Hollywood Reporter magazine on racism in the movie industry. He makes some good points from an insider's perspective. Read Chris Rock's essay for extra credit and write a few paragraphs for your film journal about your reaction to what he wrote. Do you agree or disagree with his perspective? Any surprises? 
The link to the essay is below: 

New extra credit

Movies are made up of memorable moments, scenes, that we remember long after we leave the theater. I would like to know your favorite movie scene. You probably have many but just pick one for this extra credit assignment. Send me the link to the scene in an email and tell me in one or two paragraphs why you chose this scene as your favorite. Maybe it's for personal reasons or maybe the scene simply has your favorite actor/actress. Tell me why.

To get you started I have included the link to one of my favorite scenes. It's hard to narrow it down because I have about 5,000 favorite scenes but this is definitely one of them.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Final feature/sidebar deadline

Your final feature story and sidebar hard copies are due by noon Thursday Dec. 15. DO NOT slide your stories under my office door. You can leave your assignments in my mailbox located in DBH-105. It's your responsibility to make sure the story is given to a person in the office who will time stamp the story and put it in my box. You will not get credit for the assignment if you turn it in later than noon Thursday Dec. 15.

This is a list of what's due along with the final feature story:
1. Sidebar (hard copy)
2. Word count and semester word total broken down individually by story (hard copy)
3. List of interview sources including contact information--email and phone number (hard copy)

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Extra credit Nov. 17

For 5 points extra credit, rewrite the lead from the front page article in Tuesday's Spartan Daily (Nov. 15) about the SJSU president's press conference. The current lead sounds like a topic lead. I want you to rewrite it and come up with a better lead. Post the rewritten lead on your blog and send me the link. You can do this assignment up until the end of the semester.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Write your own obituary

Jenna Suhl, a producer and director of the world's most powerful documentaries, passed away painlessly in her sleep at her San Diego beach house on Tuesday. She was 98.

The cause is unknown. 

Suhl spent more than 40 years filming worldwide documentaries, giving her the recognition as the "World's Greatest Storyteller." 

Suhl's career didn't start until after a few small, unimportant accomplishments, such as being a bathroom designer and the 49ers mascot " Sourdough Sam."

After her time as "Sourdough Sam," Suhl became a freelance children's books illustrator. 

She fell in love with storytelling and began to shoot small, local documentaries with the support of her husband. 

Suhl is known to have contributed to global music festivals for more than 10 years since her 30s and preached that a life without music is no life at all.

"She was always full of life," said Suhl's husband, Bob. "She found inspiration in almost anything around her. It was beautiful." 

Suhl met her husband at 25 and the two married when she was 28. 

Suhl's five children will host a "dance party" at the family's Santa Cruz beachhouse Saturday in lieu of a traditional memorial in keeping with Suhl's wishes that were outlined in her will.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Descriptive feature example

Their fists are held high above their bowed heads, pride and strength coursing through their veins. 

The azure mosaic statue glistens in the spring day sun. 

A breeze whispers past the iconic immortalization of Tommie Smith and John Carlos, two men who took a stand against racism in the 1968 Olympics. 

Towering at 22 feet tall, the statue serves as a poignant reminder to stand up for what you believe in.

Shoes the size of a big dog sit alongside the statues.

Smith and Carlos removed their shoes to represent black poverty.

Around Carlos' neck hangs a necklace of brilliant gold, green and ruby red beads.

This was a tribute to all who had been lynched or killed and not prayed for.

A weathered bronze plaque reads, "TAKE A STAND."

Around the statues is freshly cut green grass and trees that dance in the wind.

Their blue track suits with red stripes up the side blend into the pale blue sky.

On their faces are expressions of sadness and responsibility.

Smith's right hand is raised while Carlos' left is hoisted to the heavens.

Behind this powerful memorial sits a pale moon.

Carlos and Smith will live on forever through this statue, as will the message they made so clear almost 50 years ago.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Election night extra credit

For up to 25 points extra credit, write a blog post chronicling your feelings about the media's election night coverage. Watch a cable TV channel such as CNN, MSNBC or Fox and write a short column of between 150-200 words focusing on Tuesday night's coverage of this historic election. Was the media impartial or blatantly biased? Did the media do a good job of providing perspective to the election and explaining how the winning candidate was able to prevail?

Assignment deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday Nov. 9. Send me the link to your blog once you've posted the extra credit. This assignment is OPTIONAL meaning you don't have to do it. It's for extra credit only. No late posts will be considered for extra credit.