Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Personality profile example

Readers love reading about other people. They like to discover how other people think, talk, act and look. A successful personality profile, then, combines quotes, facts and descriptions to reveal your subject's true nature.

It will be dark when Rachel Horn jumps into the ocean off Anacapa Island early Saturday. Four-in-the-morning dark.
Horn will have no wetsuit. The sun will join her more than two and a half hours later.
By then, the 31-year-old swimmer will be slicing toward Silver Strand Beach near Oxnard. If all goes as planned, Horn will arrive around noon after muscling through 12.2 miles of open water.
Among the greeting party waiting beachside will be someone Horn hasn't seen in 16 years: Althea Barilone-Hayes, a Special Olympics athlete Horn coached as a Ventura High School student volunteer.
"This little girl I taught when I was 15 is now grown up," Horn said of the coming reunion brought about by her swim.
Horn is using her journey across the Santa Barbara Channel to raise funds for Special Olympics Southern California. The organization offers year-round athletic training and competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. About 600 Ventura County athletes take part.
Lisa Barilone, Althea's mother, remembers Horn.
"She was always so wonderful with the athletes," Barilone said.
As plans for the fundraiser went forward, Horn reached out to see if Althea, now 23, was still involved. She is.
"Every time I talk to Rachel, we both start crying on the phone," Lisa Barilone said of the deep connection formed during the volunteer work.
Horn's initial fundraising goal was $5,000. After recently exceeding that figure as word of her effort spread, she upped the figure to $10,000.
"We're really excited about Rachel taking on this great endeavor," said Gina Carbajal, regional director for Special Olympics in Santa Barbara County.
Carbajal will shuttle a group of Santa Barbara athletes to Silver Strand to cheer for Horn when she reaches the beach.
Horn grew up in Ventura and now lives in Santa Barbara, where she works for international shoe company Deckers Brands in Goleta. The company already supports Special Olympics, making Horn's fundraiser a natural fit.
Horn swam competitively in the pool through college. She has since been drawn to open-water swimming. Her longest ocean swim so far has been 6 miles.
"Being alone in the water with no one around for that distance is not something I've experienced yet," Horn said of the upcoming crossing.
She doesn't listen to music.
"It's meditative for me to swim these long distances," she said.
Mantras like "warm, calm, strong" help, as does an image her buddies at the Santa Barbara Swim Club tease her with: warm, buttery biscuits.
"I just keep repeating it until I feel warm," she said.
Saturday's effort will be conducted under the auspices of the Santa Barbara Channel Swimming Association, a group founded in 2006 that monitors channel crossings according to strict rules.
No wetsuits, for one. And no hanging onto boats or kayaks that accompany and observe crossings.
Swimmers can have food tossed to them, a process Horn likened to "feeding a seal." Her bagged mix will include carbohydrate powder and apple juice. Diced peaches and mashed potatoes are also on the menu — a savory and sweet combination sussed out through trial and error that doesn't require chewing when jaws are cold.
Marathon open-water routes are meant to test men and women against Mother Nature without physical assistance, said Scott Zornig, the channel swimming association's board president.
On average, the success rate for the Anacapa Island route is about 50 percent, he said. Assuming the swimmer has trained properly, the outcome depends on conditions.
For Anacapa, wind is the main enemy.
"If it gets windy, it almost becomes prohibitive," Zornig said. Wind speeds much above 7 mph can make for "a really rough swim."
Swimmers depart early in the morning to avoid afternoon winds, but night swimming adds a "spooky element" that requires mental and physical strength, he said. Swimmers wear LED lights or glow sticks during the dark hours.

Crossings typically cost a swimmer upward of $2,000 for an escort boat, crew and fees that include insurance costs.

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