Monday, October 3, 2016

Letter to the editor

Letters to the editor have been a staple of newspapers. They give readers the opportunity to express an opinion on an issue in the news. A few letters are published to provide a glimpse on the issues that readers care about. Letters to the editor are concise because space is limited. Most letters are between 150 and 200 words.

For this assignment, I want you to write a letter to the editor to either the San Jose Mercury News or the San Francisco Chronicle. You must adhere to the letter policy of the newspaper you choose. Send the letter to the publication and post a cop of the letter you sent on your blog.

Below are some recent examples of letters to the editor.

San Jose Mercury News Letters Policy: To submit a letter, email it to Requirements: 150 words or less; no attachments; include your name, address and daytime phone.
Letters will be edited for length and clarity. Street addresses and phone numbers are not published. The Mercury News reserves the right to publish and republish your submission in any form or medium.

Multiple polls show Trump won debate

Your staff news report on the Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton debate (Page 1A, Sept. 27) cited that the CNN poll declared Clinton as the clear debate winner. But you would expect that from CNN.  When listening to various radio reports on the debate results, CNN was the only poll declaring Clinton the victor.
Other polls from USA Today, Drudge Report, CNBC, Breitbart, Time, ABC and who knows how many others had Donald Trump as the apparent winner. So it appears that the majority of polls are for Trump on this first debate.
Once again the Mercury News persists in being deficient in objectivity and accuracy in their reportage.
Tony Favero
Half Moon Bay

Trump’s position on taxes is frightening

So, Donald Trump actually bragged at the debate about how smart he is to not have paid his taxes, huh? Well, I guess that makes the rest of us a bunch of idiots. Personally, I know my tax dollars make a difference to many, and I can live with that. I live in this country, live in California, and use many resources with gratitude. I’ve had friends who have come from countries where there were few of the wonderful resources we usually take for granted. I learned a long time ago the money has to come from somewhere, so I pay my fair share of taxes as most responsible citizens do. Trump’s attitude of entitlement should scare many more than it apparently does.
That is frightening in itself when you think he may be elected to lead our country.
Lynda Martinez
San Jose 
So long Vin Scully!
How do I sum up 49 years of memories?
It all began at the age of 10, when my parents gave me a transistor radio for Christmas. My parents were always working and as a child I became very lonely, so that’s when I fell in love with the Dodgers and Vin Scully. Everywhere I went, my radio and Vinney went, riding my bike, long walks, playing in the backyard.
I will never be able to thank you enough for keeping a lonely little girl company all those years.
Trent Saviers

La Hambra 

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