Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Midterm study guide

Know the differences between:
A comma-splice, sentence fragment, run-on sentence and a fused sentence.
Be able to identify a:
Parenthetical phrase, parallel structure in a sentence, subject-verb agreement.
Know how to correctly use the following words:
Affect, effect, complimented, complemented, to, with, each other, one another, advice, advise, anxious, eager.
Know the different ways that the 5 W’s of newswriting are used and the differences between a Who, what, where, when and why lead.
Be able to identify a skills-based resume versus a work-history resume and what is distinctive about each resume.
Define the “inverted pyramid” and be able to answer why it is preferred for media writing.
Be able to define “news” and the characteristics/news values that are used to classify news stories.
What considerations should you have before, during and after an interview?
Be able to define the following terms: attribution, editorializing, objective reporting, topic lead.
Know the different types of leads that should be avoided and why.
Know the differences between news and feature stories, columns and editorials.

Be able to identify the reasons a press release is issued. What should be included in a good press release and how does a public relations practioner increase the chances of getting a press release published?
Define public relations.

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